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A Poster A Day (last year's June) by Studio Proba

 Published on June 22, 2015

Founded in 2013 by Alex Proba, Studio Proba is a New York based design studio focusing on product, graphic, environmental, and furniture design and artwork.

Alex is a multidisciplinary designer and art director from Lüdenscheid, Germany. She studied spatial and graphic design at the Akademie Mode und Design Hamburg Germany, and product and furniture design at Design Academy Eindhoven Netherlands. In 2011, she moved to New York, where she worked as an Art Director at Kickstarter and is currently a Design Director at Mother New York.

 Published on June 21, 2015

 Published on June 21, 2015

 Published on June 19, 2015

 Published on June 19, 2015

 Published on June 17, 2015

 Published on June 16, 2015

 Published on June 16, 2015

 Published on June 15, 2015

 Published on June 13, 2015

 Published on June 13, 2015

 Published on June 12, 2015

 Published on June 11, 2015

 Published on June 10, 2015

 Published on June 8, 2015

 Published on June 7, 2015

 Published on June 6, 2015

 Published on June 5, 2015

Published on June 4, 2015

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